WeEmpower – Women Empowerment in Wages Equality Rights
The gender pay gap is one of the most pronounced forms of inequality in the workplace. Women in the EU earn on average 13% less than men, making the gender pay gap a phenomenon that has far-reaching consequences for the economic security of women, their families, and society as a whole. Education and raising awareness on this issue are important steps toward equity and pay equality.
WeEmpower project aims to build the capacity of the civil society sector and other relevant actors working with/for young women who are often not sufficiently empowered to question their position in society. The project aims to educate women on essential mechanisms and tools for active citizenship, enabling them to participate fully in securing their social rights, including equal pay as guaranteed by the Labour Law and other regulations.
Project Goals
- Create space for more effective and comprehensive action in the youth field through cross-sectoral networking within EU policy and national contexts
- Build the capacity of civil society, including participating organisations and other relevant actors working with/for young women, to engage with this issue by learning about equal pay legislation
- Learn about the mechanisms and tools available for future active citizenship of women and their participation in the realisation of women’s social right to equal pay
- Utilise the knowledge gained in this field by empowering young women through workshops led by empowered participants
- Elevate the issue on the social agenda
- Enhance the ability to advocate for gender equality and youth-related issues
Project Activities
- Education and training for capacity building with interdisciplinary workshops, learning from experts and practical work
- Workshops fostering knowledge exchange among young participants
- Participant-led discussions promoting the exchange of knowledge and practical skills
- Creation of an online toolbox with the most important information and recommendations
- Final conference
The WeEmpower project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and implemented by the civil society organisation AFA from Serbia and MODE1 from Croatia.