Angažirani očevi SPAN Active Fatherhood Education in SPAN

Active Fatherhood Workshop in SPAN

Currently, only 4% of fathers in Croatia are using parental leave, which means that children are losing 2 months of bonding with their parents!

It’s a shame because the advantages of using paternal leaves are numerous – not only for children, dads, and families but also for employers and society.

Angažirani očevi SPAN Active Fatherhood Education in SPAN

Dads who are using parental leave, among other things, have a better emotional connection with their children and they are developing new skills that make them better at work; children have more self-confidence, are better at coping with stressful situations, and much more. That is why it is important to inform society and change cultural expectations to support active fatherhood.

Angažirani očevi SPAN Active Fatherhood Education in SPAN

The workshop on active fatherhood, held by Dianna K. Descovich and Bruno Simlesa for dads at SPAN, was educational as well as entertaining.

Diana introduced them to the legal possibilities of parental leave, which can be used until the child’s 8th year of life, and flexible forms of work offered by part-time work of one or both parents, and Bruno introduced them to parenting styles from a male perspective. He especially emphasised how the involvement of fathers in upbringing in a quality way affects a good emotional relationship with partners.

Many recognised themselves in challenges with grandparents or protective “mama bears” and were happy to share anecdotes from their parenting experience.

The education was held as part of the “Active Fatherhood” project, which is implemented by the MODE1 association with the financial support of the Central State Office for Demography and Youth.

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Angažirani očevi Poslovna inteligencija Active Fatherhood
angažirani očevi Etelka Kožar, Diana Kobas Dešković, Dragica Ratković Active Fatherhood Research Results